About PGDM Course Education in management as a separate discipline in India, start at a formal level with the establishment of the post graduate level studies in universities since early 1950s. AICTE approve PGDM programs are being offer by around a quarter of the AICTE accredit institutions.
The PGDM has been a major source for this kind of talent pool, over the past few decades. However there have been rapid changes in professional knowledge and skills require, along with the expansion in number of personnel require by industry, and is another gap area as far as managerial talent is concern.
Aicte Approved Courses about PGDM Course :
PGDM: A Post Graduate Diploma in Management [PGDM] is a diploma course offered by the institutes that are recognised by the All India Council for Technical Education [AICTE] and which are autonomous and not affiliated to any university. The All India Council of Technical Education had constitute a committee notify on 11.10.2010. The terms of reference include the development of model syllabus for PGDM, suggest the total hours of study, how to deal with specialization issues, in order to ensure standards in management education. The Committee was suitably expand to include additional core committee members, and its initial deliberations focus on dealing with the specific agenda, and modalities. The scope was deliberate upon and the coverage was define as review of PGDM structure and suggest course contents.
About PGDM Course AIU Recognized ?
It was proposed that the program leading to the PGDM diploma course be defined as a full time, two year Post Graduate program. The essential qualification for students desirous of studying the PGDM would be an AIU recognized Bachelor degree or equivalent. The program would attain the standards of study, depth and coverage suitable for post graduate studies. The successful completion of the program after meeting all prior statutory requirements stated for the program, would lead to the award of the PGDM diploma course.

About PGDM Given the expansion of corporate in a growing economy, and growing global opportunities and challenges the need of industry is for increased availability of management talent at various levels. To face the challenges in a fruitful
manner, the need is for quality management talent, and hiring professionals education in management at PGDM post graduate course levels, is a globally accept way to fill the gap for talent. The PGDM post graduate program level studies in management assume that candidates, who successfully complete such a program, would have a requisite degree
of knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully and significantly in the managerial positions that organizations create for successful operations.
About PGDM Course requirement of Colleges/Institute and B-schools ?
PGDM is design to meet this requirement of organizations, and create a talent pool of managers who can help organizations meet the needs of their times in a manner befitting professionals who have a perspective in general management, as well as are skill in functional
Structure Curriculum about PGDM course :
program structure propose after a comprehensive review of international best practices and program structure and curriculum, is as follows:
Two part structure with a compulsory set of courses covering all foundation areas in management and building a holistic general management perspective, and a set of elective courses with a functional and domain thrust aim at building the job specific skills and knowledge in the chosen area of management. The knowledge of management as a discipline and field of study. And a holistic perspective that develops from a well round understanding of the organizational challenges. In all functional areas in setting and meeting organizational goals, is an essential part of the PGDM requirement.
This would help enable individuals gain a long lasting education that helps provide the foundation for life-long learning and appreciation of micro levels aspects of organizational functioning. The professional’s understanding of a profession, and of the context. It is thus propose that the initial part of the PGDM be focus on building this general management perspective that enables the student to instill in one the managerial erspective. This is the first part of the two part structure.
- working professional in management,
- one would be expect to perform several activities in a given functional domain,
- especially in the initial phase of one’s career.
In India, particularly as most two year PGDM candidates have limit exposure and knowledge of business and management. It would be necessary to help the student learn the workings of specific functional aspects such as
- Operations and Production
- Marketing
- Accounting and Financial Management
- Human Resources
About PGDM Course Quality
About PGDM quality of education provide will depend on many parameters. Quality may be view from the parameters of
- Course design
- Course content
- Study material
- Delivery,
- Non academic facilities
- Programs, and quality of students/faculty/staff; also infrastructure available
- support systems such as IT
- academic support are critical
The caliber of students and their aptitude for a career in management is one aspect that should be address by the admission process. The contents and coverage of the PGDM. The elective options provide and the quality of teaching/learning process are academic parameters that will need constant content updation and teaching skill upgradation.
The learning environment and cultural aspects also play a big role
- Infrastructure
- assets (classrooms and hostels)
- material resources (library and reading materials)
- communication (IT and networking)
all contribute to a seamless learning experience for the student. This must be follow by rigorous formalize appraisal through methods such as essays, group interactions, as seen appropriate follow by interviews. A complete record must be maintain for each candidate. Transparency and scrutiny will ensure that program intake is always consistent in ensuring merit and quality of students.
About PGDM Course Design
The PGDM is spread over six terms. The first year academic work is spread over three terms including Summer Training in industrial and business organisation. Only after the successful completion of first year PGDM, the students will be allow to register for the second year of the PGDM. It is propose that AICTE institutions may offer the PGDM Colleges with following structure. Duration of two years with a minimum of 1050 classroom hours.